I want us to keep in touch. Via print, way more exciting than anything else! Get one here
Here’s my zine with what I’ve been up to lately, whom I’ve been with, a guest illustrator, what inspires me and even my review on some snacks – everyone loves munchies.
Issue #01 is so exciting, yeaaah!
For the first issue I’ll start off with an interview: I’ve been to The Netherlands in May and visited Hedof at his studio. As this zine’s main purpose, I’ll tell you WHAT I’VE BEEN “looking at” and “up to” lately. Some projects might be finished, others just out of my sketchbook. Every issue will have a featured illustrator and Nando is doing the honours of being the very first one.
And you know me, this would not be complete without some food related info, would it? The weirdest and the best of what I’ve eaten lately is on the last couple of pages. What would you like to know more about of? Do you have a friend whom you think would love this too? Let me know. Here’s the first issue, enjoy!
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